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Education Intro

At Stockia, our team has dedicated itself to providing clients with the BEST stock picks and alerts available across the web. But where exactly did these picks come from? And how are we able to do what we do? Well, it came from years of hard work and a strong educational background in the market, learning and relearning concepts of trading and ensuring that we are able to limit our red days, and stay in the green as much as possible – leading us to one of the highest winning percentages you’ll ever see across the industry. And while we can continue sending picks, and hope you know what to do with them, its still important for you to be able to do your own research and actually understand how the market works, and what to do as a trader or investor, both long and short term.
Therefore, we are excited to offer our knowledge to you, in simpler, more concise lessons, articles and more through our Stockia Education section. And once you are able to gain a firm knowledge in the basics of trading and investing, from how to buy stocks as a long-term investment, to implementing strategies as a day trader – feel free to give our premium educational options a try, including eBooks and way more! While there are some excellent resourced available on our website, each day we plan to add more and more – walking you through the path, from being a complete rookie investor, to a veteran trader, proficient at managing your portfolio on your own!

Disclaimer: Our Clients Come First
+ While we at Stockia.io truly believe in every word we put out there to our clients, from social media posts, blog articles and education, to our daily stock picks; however, its important to understand that we at Stockia.io are not an investment or trading, advisory service, nor do we operate a registered investment advisor. And certainly, aren’t a broker or dealer of stocks. Any and all information you receive from our site, Stockia.io, is for educational purposes and does not purport to tell or suggest which securities or stocks, any of our clients should buy or sell themselves! Again, all products, services and information are for educational purposes only. In some cases, the employees, affiliates and ownership of this company may hold positions in the stocks, or other investment vehicles we have discussed on our site. Its vital that you take extreme caution before deciding to purchase or sell any types of stocks or securities, as they may be volatile and can shift in ways even experienced traders will have trouble catching up to. By accessing our site, Stockia.io, and using ANY of our products, or services, and reading any of our education – you are acknowledging ALL of the following:

  • All information, stock picks, education, blogs, and any other services, are purely here for educational purposes ONLY.
  • Trading stocks & securities are a high-risk endeavor, and you should not take part unless you are over the age of 18 years old, and have a full understanding of what you are doing.
  • We, Stockia.io, is not responsible, nor do we accept ANY liability for the results of your trading & investing.
  • Much of the information regarding our subscription service and “stocking picking strategy” is proprietary, so you may not use certain aspects of this service without our expressed consent.
  • We also hold the right to alter this disclaimer, as well as any aspects of our terms of use, and any additional policies, at our own discretion and at any time.

If you’ve got any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us via our contact page and we will get back to you as soon as possible!